This panel highlights the adoption of OpenStreetMap in US government and explores opportunities and challenges. The panel aims to instigate debate, thought and dialogue on the following questions:
- Adoption rate factors. Exploring the differing incentives and deterrents between the sectors, such as geographic area, data licenses, culture, risk, data requirements…
- Advancing government’s role as a contributing member of the OpenStreetMap community.
- Understanding the benefits and challenges of government and community based collaboration.
- Climbing the mountain of legal issues. What it will require from both sides.
- Investigating technical solutions, such as SpiderOSM, to facilitate government and OpenStreetMap data improvements and maintenance bringing benefits to all sectors.
- Data constraints: Why centerlines can’t cut the requirements for government anymore.
- Geocoding: Solutions, techniques, alternatives. Why you can’t fit a big foot in a small shoe. Multi solutions are necessary, but can learn from collaborating and looking for areas to overlap.
Alyssa Wright Mapzen / OpenStreetMap US will lead through the panel. Panelists:
- Bibiana McHugh – IT and GIS manager at TriMet, Portland, OR
- Colin Reilly - Director of GIS of New York City
- Barbara Poore - former research geographer at USGS
- Holly Krambeck - Senior Transportation Economist, World Bank